Sunday, June 20, 2010

Another Crochet Purse

I love it!! This is my latest crochet purse and I gotta say - my favorite by far! I don't know if y'all are like me - but most of the time I don't really "love" what I make - I tend to see what I could a /should a done differently that would make it better. But this one - I love. I used it tonight for the first time and it works great - right size - light - pretty -
I seem to not be able to follow patterns. well - I mean I know how and all but somehow when I get involved in a  pattern my brain just veers off and starts down its own path and before I know it - I'm way off what the designer intended. Which is fine - once you are somewhat familiar with the craft and know what you're doing. Not so fine when you're first starting out with a craft which explains why I didn't like some of my earlier purses.

So after making several earlier purses - I had an idea in my head that turned into this one - I didn't use a pattern - and unfortunately I didn't write down how I did this one because I think I'd like to make another one with different colors. But maybe I can figure out how to get "close".

I did have a pattern that I mostly followed for the rose flower. Its from Fashion Flowers to Crochet by Darla Sims published by American School of Needlework. Isn't it cute?

Thanks for stopping by! Till next time - Andrea

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